81.   The meeting will last for several days, according to Arbeiderbladet.

82.   The meeting lasted more than an hour and Silajdzic was expected to leave Moscow shortly.

83.   The meetings lasted several hours.

84.   The official did not reveal how long the meeting lasted or whether Bush made any comments.

85.   The meeting lasted around two hours, the report said.

86.   The meeting lasted two hours and was held in the utmost secrecy with the Egyptian foreign ministry refusing to confirm or deny its existence.

n. + last >>共 1450
trial 2.51%
meeting 1.71%
talk 1.59%
operation 1.49%
strike 1.45%
session 1.25%
season 1.19%
marriage 1.00%
effect 0.98%
time 0.80%
meeting + v. >>共 572
be 29.10%
take 11.28%
come 4.37%
end 2.99%
discuss 2.66%
begin 2.51%
go 2.01%
follow 1.89%
focus 1.69%
include 1.64%
last 1.00%
每页显示:    共 85