81.   For a company like the Polaroid Corp., which was already well down the path to insolvency, it could mean the end of the road.

82.   For many coaches, the end of the regular season will mean the end of a job.

83.   For the poorest children, the changes could mean an end to the free meals, including breakfast, that have been linked to improved academic performance.

84.   For those Rwandan refugees who have made it across into Zaire, it has not meant an end to their problems or their fears.

85.   For the dinosaurs, asteroids meant the end of life on Earth.

86.   For George Hincapie, the sprinting specialist on the United States Postal Service team, the radios have meant the end of a racing ritual.

87.   For parents, it could mean the end to the ordeal of administering daily antibiotics.

88.   For some, it already means the end of the era of passive, television-watching American couch potatoes.

89.   Guillen and Keith Lockhart, coming off rotator cuff surgery, are slotted for the infield reserve slots, meaning an end of the line for Tony Graffanino.

90.   He added that the decision meant the end of searches and harassment of Catholics by soldiers.

v. + end >>共 703
put 11.89%
mark 8.85%
near 6.16%
bring 4.45%
demand 4.29%
mean 4.29%
negotiate 3.58%
signal 2.98%
see 2.79%
reach 2.41%
mean + n. >>共 2049
lot 3.89%
end 3.39%
thing 1.87%
loss 1.72%
money 1.61%
trouble 1.47%
difference 1.45%
change 1.09%
profit 1.05%
return 0.88%
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