81.   Four men shared the Concord award - Bangladeshi philanthropist Mohammad Yunus, Spanish missionaries Vincente Ferrer and Nocolas Castellanos and fellow countryman and doctor Joaquin Sanz Gadea.

82.   In retrospect, these men shared an over-optimistic sort of idealism.

83.   Ten men share the cell and its six bunks.

84.   The Austrian men share the spotlight this season, as do their women, who have displayed the same dominance through the early races.

85.   The men shared the same Scottish roots.

86.   The two men shared a birth date and were similar in height and weight.

87.   The two men were sharing one machine after a second snowmobile had gone through the ice earlier in the day.

88.   They demanded that men share in the housework, a truly revolutionary step in Indian societies where women work from dawn to dusk.

89.   Together, the five men shared the stage for a debate sponsored by CNN and WMUR-TV.

90.   Two men share space with the fly.

n. + share >>共 1039
company 3.67%
country 3.47%
people 3.00%
two 2.97%
man 2.43%
team 1.68%
member 1.60%
family 1.50%
nation 1.29%
party 1.27%
man + v. >>共 806
be 16.98%
have 4.17%
say 2.59%
die 2.06%
take 1.23%
go 1.22%
come 1.10%
do 1.07%
wear 0.91%
make 0.90%
share 0.22%
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