81.   One man has confessed to taking part in the killing but police are continuing to look for other killers.

82.   The men confessed that they had fired one Katyusha rocket on northern Israel on Tuesday, the police said.

n. + confess >>共 220
man 13.10%
suspect 7.99%
member 2.88%
defendant 2.72%
boy 2.40%
woman 2.40%
three 2.40%
people 1.92%
nurse 1.76%
two 1.60%
man + v. >>共 806
be 16.98%
have 4.17%
say 2.59%
die 2.06%
take 1.23%
go 1.22%
come 1.10%
do 1.07%
wear 0.91%
make 0.90%
confess 0.20%
每页显示:    共 82