81.   The prepayment on the five-year floating-rate Eurobond will be made using resources obtained in international capital markets.

82.   The toothpaste is made using oil from Afronardus cympogon grass.

83.   The tapes had been secretly made using a hidden tape recorder in his briefcase.

84.   The Washington Post reported today that the bomb was made using a simple clock or kitchen timer and low-grade explosive powder that is easily obtained.

85.   The transformation is made using a simple technique which requires only a few tools.

86.   The Washington Post reported Tuesday that the bomb was made using a simple clock or kitchen timer and low-grade explosive powder that is easily obtained.

87.   Although few cosmetic products are currently made using these particular extracts, the European cosmetic industry has asked its members to withdraw these types of products from shops.

88.   The spokesman said a new attempt would be made using a much larger, ocean-going tug at the next high tide.

89.   Once this has been meticulously sanded smooth, a mould is made, and then the fibreglass prototype is made using the mould.

90.   Polish and German foundations on Friday signed an agreement compensating Polish victims of Nazi slave labor for payments that were made using an artificially low exchange rate.

v. + use >>共 672
make 4.49%
be 4.10%
put 2.52%
opt 2.37%
do 2.27%
create 2.07%
produce 1.58%
calculate 1.48%
develop 1.43%
build 1.38%
make + v. >>共 446
know 11.77%
use 6.41%
say 4.93%
base 4.44%
regard 4.02%
be 3.45%
follow 2.82%
accord 2.68%
concern 1.76%
sell 1.34%
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