81.   Since Friday, soldiers loyal to President Pascal Lissouba have been arming citizens and looting homes, witnesses said.

82.   Since Friday, soldiers loyal to President Pascal Lissoubax have been arming citizens and looting homes, witnesses said.

83.   Soldiers loyal to coup leader Hun Sen were pushing opposition troops toward their last major stronghold near the Thai border as heavy fighting raged in northwestern Cambodia Saturday.

84.   Soldiers loyal to deposed military chief Ahmed Shah Massood battled with tanks and heavy artillery to gain control of a strategic pass east of Kalaquan.

85.   Soldiers loyal to Ravalomanana were leading the frantic search for fuel supplies in Sambava.

86.   Soldiers loyal to warlord Rashid Dostum said the jets were his.

87.   Soldiers loyal to coup leaders had taken up position Tuesday and parked empty buses across an airport runway, seeking to block any invasion attempt by French troops.

88.   Soldiers loyal to deposed military chief Ahmed Shah Massood abandoned their defenses and ran for cover, according to witnesses at the frontline.

89.   Soldiers loyal to Koroma went on a rampage in their final days of power before the Nigerian-led West African force drove them from the capital.

90.   Soldiers loyal to Laurent Kabila caught up to his fleeing family along the Ubilo River in central Congo.

a. + soldier >>共 430
israeli 25.43%
russian 5.82%
american 4.55%
british 2.88%
former 2.46%
french 2.38%
indian 2.25%
serb 1.87%
armed 1.61%
german 1.51%
loyal 0.53%
loyal + n. >>共 395
force 12.03%
troop 10.29%
fan 4.58%
fighter 4.31%
soldier 4.24%
customer 4.07%
following 3.86%
friend 2.19%
supporter 2.15%
militiaman 1.64%
每页显示:    共 123