81.   The U.S. government is loosening its grip but is reluctant to let go completely until the payment matters are fully resolved.

82.   To keep the union intact, its leaders had to loosen their grip, making room for a lively civic life.

83.   Western diplomatic efforts to calm turmoil in the province of Kosovo were picking up as a deadline neared for Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic to loosen his grip there.

84.   With the economy booming and government surpluses soaring, Republican voters are demanding that Washington loosen its grip on its extra cash and slash taxes.

85.   Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic received a stern warning Tuesday to loosen his grip on the separatist province of Kosovo or face military action by NATO.

86.   But for Violante, former left-wing chairman of the parliamentary anti-Mafia committee, economic development is the only way to loosen the grip of organised crime.

87.   China will not loosen its grip over cotton prices despite plummeting textiles sales, according to economic tzar Zhu Rongji.

88.   With their departure, the military was in charge and it had no intention of loosening its grip on power.

89.   The next objective would be to force the regime to loosen its grip on the media.

v. + grip >>共 131
lose 18.12%
tighten 16.28%
get 12.25%
loosen 7.47%
have 4.03%
maintain 3.69%
keep 3.27%
strengthen 3.10%
relax 2.94%
release 2.43%
loosen + n. >>共 290
restriction 10.16%
grip 7.86%
control 6.45%
rule 5.48%
tie 5.12%
regulation 3.62%
policy 3.27%
rein 2.03%
soil 1.77%
hold 1.68%
每页显示:    共 88