81.   Fearing a crisis or possible war with neighboring Turkey, a longtime rival, the Greek government had repeatedly said Ocalan was unwelcome.

82.   French President Jacques Chirac, the longtime conservative rival who succeeded Mitterrand last May, sat in a gold and red velvet chair.

83.   Hackl finished nearly a third of a second behind Zoeggeler and barely beat longtime rival Markus Prock of Austria.

84.   Hashimoto took over in January at the head of an odd-couple coalition between the Liberal Democrats and their longtime rivals, the Social Democrats.

85.   He also spared a sympathetic thought for Larry Bird, his longtime rival.

86.   He lashed back at suggestions by U.S. President Bill Clinton that Kosovo could ignite a regional conflict that could draw in Greece and its longtime rival Turkey.

87.   He was referring to the sudden departure last week of group chairman Bernd Pischetsrieder and his longtime rival in the company, management board member Wolfgang Reitzle.

88.   His longtime rival, Sinjin Smith, will compete here.

89.   However, the rest of the world appeared to have accepted that Sassou-Nguesso had driven his longtime rival from power.

90.   In a sign of shifting political alliances, parliamentary committees Monday opposed moving ahead with corruption probes into Prime Minister Mesut Yilmaz and one of his longtime political rivals.

a. + rival >>共 829
political 6.58%
main 5.52%
bitter 3.80%
chief 3.09%
republican 2.62%
longtime 2.56%
nuclear 2.45%
the 2.42%
former 2.40%
potential 2.20%
longtime + n. >>共 1033
friend 12.74%
resident 4.05%
ally 3.43%
rival 2.78%
supporter 2.24%
coach 2.05%
member 1.74%
fan 1.64%
leader 1.44%
critic 1.38%
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