81.   The ML is good at passing, the CLK is a lightning bolt.

82.   The Man of Steel will exchange his famed red, blue and yellow caped costume for a bodysuit with jagged stripes that look like lightning bolts.

83.   The lightning bolt has been accompanied by thunder, and rumblings about what the rest of the NFL will do to the renegade from Dallas.

84.   The process is similar to using a lightning rod to transfer the electrical power of a lightning bolt to the ground.

85.   The surface of the hat shall be imprinted with stars and lightning bolts.

86.   Then lightning bolts shoot out of his dainty mouth, frying anything within range.

87.   Then she begins to talk, and the atmosphere changes to splatters of fluorescent paint and an occasional lightning bolt.

88.   Then she giggled again in horror and paused, as if to see whether Mother Korea might strike her dead with a lightning bolt.

89.   Then the lightning bolts hit.

90.   These researchers are reported to be examining measurements of millions of lightning bolts recorded by a radio receiver aboard a satellite known as FORTE.

a. + bolt >>共 129
lightning 36.57%
metal 3.71%
mounting 2.57%
missing 1.71%
same 1.71%
key 1.43%
closet 1.43%
lighting 1.43%
upright 1.43%
loose 1.14%
lightning + n. >>共 171
bolt 19.13%
speed 12.11%
storm 8.97%
offensive 4.48%
visit 4.19%
flash 3.44%
raid 2.69%
protection 2.24%
hit 1.49%
attack 1.35%
每页显示:    共 127