81.   His father, who owned a flour mill nearby, encouraged Ioannis and his brother to clean the church and light its candles.

82.   I am now going to go light a candle somewhere and say a prayer.

83.   I lit a candle and had a brief Abe Lincoln-type moment.

84.   I lit a candle for my mother and said her prayer.

85.   I would sit in my trailer and I would light candles and have a little display, call it an altar if you wish, with the ledgers.

86.   I am baffled and repelled by anti-death penalty activists who show up outside prisons on the day of an execution to light candles and keep a vigil.

87.   If guilt begins to overcome you, go to church and light a candle for poor old Jack Sprat.

88.   If possible, light the candles when prospects come to see your house.

89.   In her Roswell home, Paula Shapiro, a Reform Jew, lights Shabbat candles with her children.

90.   In another trial, a servant claimed that on Friday at sundown, certain candles were lighted behind closed doors.

v. + candle >>共 130
light 50.53%
hold 7.46%
place 4.26%
use 3.43%
carry 3.20%
burn 3.08%
blow 2.25%
put 1.42%
buy 1.30%
include 0.71%
light + n. >>共 395
candle 19.79%
fire 14.23%
cigarette 8.57%
sky 3.01%
fuse 2.73%
match 2.46%
bonfire 2.18%
torch 1.99%
flame 1.76%
room 1.62%
每页显示:    共 425