81.   Mother sea turtles looking for a safe place to lay their eggs!

82.   Moths lay eggs at the base of the trunk and larvae burrow into the wood, creating tunnels that interrupt the flow of nutrients and weaken the tree.

83.   Mosquitoes may lay eggs in birdbaths or unused kiddie pools.

84.   Mother monarchs lay their eggs on the butterfly weed.

85.   Monotremes, like the duck-billed platypus and spiny anteater, are oddballs of the mammal world because they lay eggs.

86.   Once medflies lay their eggs and the fruit drops to the ground, the larvae enter the soil and emerge as full-grown flies that then reproduce.

87.   October also is the time when female sea turtles begin their annual trek to the beaches, where they lay eggs that hatch in March and April.

88.   One of the females happened to lay eggs, so Yack took them home to rear the larvae.

89.   Pelicans lay three eggs a season, staying in pairs until the young fledge.

90.   Parasitoids lay their eggs on the victim, and when the eggs hatch, the larvae eat the insect.

v. + egg >>共 413
lay 7.86%
lie 7.22%
add 6.98%
beat 4.56%
fertilize 3.27%
throw 3.27%
whisk 2.14%
eat 1.94%
use 1.94%
produce 1.81%
lie + n. >>共 431
groundwork 12.17%
claim 11.27%
egg 9.56%
foundation 5.98%
wreath 5.02%
blame 3.42%
hand 2.72%
face 2.72%
siege 1.92%
charge 1.33%
每页显示:    共 178