81.   Thus, we can expect the level to drop further.

82.   Ukrainian authorities in the Odessa region made the decision after determining that cyanide levels had dropped to a safe level, the report said.

83.   With Terreri, the level of play dropped sharply.

84.   In Herat the crime level has dropped, and the abduction and rape of young women and their forced marriage to local military commanders have been stopped.

85.   Both were blamed for allowing safety levels to drop in their push for greater output.

n. + drop >>共 1591
price 8.40%
stock 3.41%
temperature 2.39%
prosecutor 2.38%
rate 2.11%
plane 2.00%
government 1.63%
helicopter 1.51%
share 1.51%
sale 1.44%
level 1.01%
level + v. >>共 398
be 44.68%
rise 4.33%
drop 2.71%
remain 2.61%
fall 2.36%
increase 1.72%
continue 1.18%
have 1.18%
vary 1.08%
go 1.05%
每页显示:    共 85