81.   He chose to be killed by lethal injection rather than electrocution.

82.   He could be executed by lethal injection as early as May.

83.   He refused to grant a reprieve, and Tucker was executed by lethal injection.

84.   He had hung his third and last victim, Iseli, in a closet, and he chose execution by hanging rather than lethal injection.

85.   He notes that lethal injection puts the execution in a more controlled environment than is possible with executions by gunshot.

86.   He wants New Jersey to carry out its sentence and execute him by lethal injection.

87.   He will be given an opportunity to write a last statement, to be read by Lucasville Warden Stephen Huffman just prior to the lethal injection, Dean said.

88.   He will get a lethal injection.

89.   He would be the second person executed by lethal injection in California and the fourth to die in the state since capital punishment was reinstated two decades ago.

90.   He was the fourth person to die by lethal injection in Missouri this year.

a. + injection >>共 200
lethal 44.33%
daily 2.59%
pain-killing 2.32%
intravenous 2.23%
regular 1.70%
epidural 1.61%
anti-inflammatory 1.52%
steroid 1.43%
direct 1.43%
second 1.43%
lethal + n. >>共 430
injection 26.85%
dose 6.12%
weapon 4.49%
drug 2.98%
force 2.33%
combination 1.79%
virus 1.73%
chemical 1.62%
gas 1.62%
disease 1.35%
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