81.   But supporters of the bill said they had to act quickly because the legislative session is scheduled to end this week.

82.   But taken collectively, they could have been enough to pay for a needed statewide initiative like expanded Medicaid coverage during last legislative session.

83.   But the biannual legislative session that began last month in Austin is shaping up very differently.

84.   But the legislative session that began last month in Austin is shaping up very differently.

85.   But some of its backers said on Friday that it might yet emerge from a lame-duck legislative session.

86.   But that may change during the new legislative session.

87.   But then, Finneran has always been one of the few politicians in Massachusetts to acknowledge the danger of permanent legislative sessions.

88.   But the two guys from Cowtown are proposing legislation in Austin this legislative session that just shows how little they know about the subject.

89.   But the upcoming legislative session will be difficult for her.

90.   But throughout the legislative session, they never appeared willing to expend much political capital on an agreement.

a. + session >>共 513
training 4.56%
straight 4.53%
first 4.07%
second 3.77%
legislative 3.19%
emergency 2.77%
next 2.70%
consecutive 2.48%
opening 2.16%
parliamentary 2.09%
legislative + n. >>共 850
election 11.19%
leader 6.42%
session 6.31%
council 3.70%
agendum 2.81%
process 2.32%
action 2.24%
approval 2.12%
proposal 2.00%
body 1.74%
每页显示:    共 473