81.   National coalition leaders are feverishly trying to smooth things over.

82.   Nationally, Jewish leaders are trying to merge the UJA with the Council of Jewish Federations, the umbrella organization that links the local federations of Jewish philanthropy.

83.   Negotiations have dragged on since then as the various political party leaders tried to find a workable coalition.

84.   Next week, Houston business leaders will try to determine if a successful campaign can be mounted to sell enough season tickets to persuade the Astros to stay.

85.   Nevertheless, other world leaders are trying to bring Iraq into line and keep the United States from attacking it militarily.

86.   None has thus far passed, and statehouse leaders are trying to adapt to the new climate by assigning newcomers to intensive training in mock debates and committee apprenticeships.

87.   Not a single Asian-American community leader has tried to defend Huang, Chung and Trie.

88.   Now, community leaders are trying to get that message to carry the same weight as the rumors.

89.   Officials in The Hague said the militia leader had not tried to contact the court or to seek a deal for himself.

90.   On Sunday, several new members expressed frustration with the influence the party leaders still tried to exert.

n. + try >>共 892
government 5.31%
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group 1.56%
investigator 1.56%
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leader 1.35%
leader + v. >>共 705
say 12.25%
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agree 2.30%
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call 1.93%
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urge 1.13%
want 1.11%
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