81.   Guerilla leader threatens more suicide missions.

82.   Hindu leaders have threatened to begin constructing the temple if the government does not hand over the disputed site by mid-March.

83.   However, elections officials insisted that voting would go ahead as planned in other towns where Ijaw leaders had threatened bloodshed on election day.

84.   Huge deficits have been discoverd in cities that Zajedno alrady has taken over, and the leaders there have threatened to stop forwarding tax collections to central authorities.

85.   In a statement on Chechen television Wednesday night, group leaders threatened to attack Russian sites outside Chechnya if Maskhadov tries to fight them.

86.   In response, black leaders threaten to ban the old flag or bar test matches at stadiums known for attracting troublemakers.

87.   Israeli leaders threatened retaliation for the bombing.

88.   Israeli leaders have threatened harsh retaliation against Lebanon if guerrillas stage attacks on northern Israeli towns after a pullout.

89.   Israeli workers, obeying a court order, ended a strike and returned to their jobs Monday, but union leaders threatened more disruptions after the Jewish New Year.

90.   Judicial sources, who requested anonymity, said scout leader Prieur threatened his young victims before molesting them.

n. + threaten >>共 1571
group 3.42%
government 2.46%
official 2.39%
leader 2.31%
rebel 2.08%
union 1.76%
party 1.26%
police 1.24%
man 1.11%
administration 1.08%
leader + v. >>共 705
say 12.25%
be 9.33%
meet 2.85%
agree 2.30%
have 2.15%
call 1.93%
discuss 1.27%
make 1.19%
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