81.   Laser surgery is considered a significant improvement over the original technique that involved making eight surgical slits in the cornea to change its shape.

82.   LCA Vision Center is cutting the price of its laser eye surgery in California and Maryland in response to growing competition from cheaper Canadian providers.

83.   Meanwhile, technological developments like laser eye surgery and new types of chemotherapy enable treatment on an ambulatory basis for ailments that once required hospital stays.

84.   Ms. McCormack solved the problem by having laser surgery to correct her nearsightedness.

85.   Mulroy could have undergone Lasik, the popular laser eye surgery designed to correct nearsightedness, but now adapted to bring farsighted vision back into focus, too.

86.   Montana and Miami quarterback Dan Marino, in the third meeting of their careers, performed laser surgery.

87.   One is to spend the money on laser eye surgery, including LASIK, to correct near- or farsightedness.

88.   Outfielder Bernard Gilkey, who is recovering from corrective laser surgery on his eyes, has been in but went back to his home in the St. Louis area.

89.   Patients were randomly assigned either to continued medication for their angina or to laser surgery in addition to the medication.

90.   Piercings can heal, and most tattoos can be removed now with laser surgery.

n. + surgery >>共 360
knee 18.91%
heart 14.73%
shoulder 6.98%
bypass 6.94%
elbow 4.70%
brain 4.25%
cancer 4.10%
laser 2.31%
eye 2.29%
replacement 2.23%
laser + n. >>共 288
beam 13.97%
surgery 9.84%
treatment 5.64%
system 5.09%
disc 3.99%
weapon 3.85%
technology 3.51%
show 3.03%
pointer 2.41%
light 1.86%
每页显示:    共 142