81.   Tests conducted over the weekend gave no hint of why the leak occurred, or whether the crack was part of a larger problem, the officials said.

82.   The absence of Torre is a larger problem than the club wants to admit.

83.   The abundance of stolen cars reflects the larger problem of organized crime.

84.   The chaotic events at the church underscored the larger problems with negotiations to end the siege peacefully.

85.   The bank bailout is typical of a government action aimed at fixing the larger problems facing Japan.

86.   The dispute is the fruit of fast growth and minimal planning, a symbol of larger problems.

87.   The decline in sportsmanship, some observers say, reflects a larger societal problem.

88.   The Fairway mini-crisis should spur the city to do something about the larger problem of allowing discount retailers to do business in New York City.

89.   The fight may have led to the murders and was an outgrowth of larger problems in the marriage, sources said.

90.   The Hungarian trip is symptomatic of a much larger problem.

a. + problem >>共 705
serious 4.46%
economic 3.74%
major 3.48%
financial 2.66%
biggest 2.34%
technical 1.95%
only 1.92%
big 1.91%
potential 1.91%
real 1.87%
larger 0.41%
larger + n. >>共 1040
company 3.05%
number 2.64%
role 2.15%
group 1.93%
issue 1.85%
one 1.82%
share 1.76%
problem 1.20%
question 1.12%
amount 1.07%
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