81.   Problem was, Sinichenko lacked the necessary English language skills for admittance to the university.

82.   Reading aloud enhances language skills and vocabulary and provides a building block to other life skills.

83.   Recent studies have found early detection of hearing problems can make a significant difference in child development and language skills throughout life.

84.   Research shows that reading to children even after they can read to themselves not only affects reading and language skills but overall academic achievement.

85.   Robin Holt, co-founder of the Bay Area Career Center, recommends candidates mention language skills on their resume and any international experience.

86.   Small programs popped up in Washington and Montgomery County, Md. Studies showed deaf children who took the programs ended up with comparable language skills with hearing peers.

87.   Some people frustrated over the decline have sought to blame Puerto Ricans and what they see as poor work habits, family values and language skills.

88.   Some studies find that playing with toys such as dolls provides opportunities for girls to practice language skills.

89.   Talk to your child often, and encourage his developing language skills.

90.   Tachoires said her university wanted her to work in an English-speaking country this summer to improve her language skills.

n. + skill >>共 484
communication 7.33%
computer 6.71%
language 6.62%
management 6.58%
leadership 5.30%
job 4.77%
survival 4.24%
people 2.60%
math 2.56%
business 2.03%
language + n. >>共 504
barrier 10.45%
skill 6.17%
course 3.17%
problem 2.71%
class 2.47%
newspaper 2.43%
program 2.18%
teacher 2.14%
school 2.10%
requirement 1.85%
每页显示:    共 149