81.   US Ambassador to the United Nations Madeleine Albright reported Tuesday that Iraqi troops had made a move toward withdrawing its troops from the Kuwaiti border.

82.   US officials said Wednesday they were reconsidering plans to deploy additional troops in the Gulf now that Iraqi troops are pulling back from the Kuwaiti border.

83.   US Defence Secretary William Perry told troops aboard the USS Tripoli earlier Saturday that Iraq still had troops deployed near the Kuwaiti border.

84.   US planes policed the extended zone, which now stretches from the Kuwaiti border to the suburbs of Baghdad, after it came into effect at noon Wednesday.

85.   Washington and London have sponsored a resolution that would bar Iraq from redeploying Republican Guard units near the Kuwaiti border or boosting other forces there.

86.   US diplomats told the UN Security Council in New York that two armored divisions of the Republican Guard were heading towards the Kuwaiti border.

87.   US military reinforcements are expected in Kuwait within hours, following reports from Washington of Iraqi troop movements toward the Kuwaiti border, a government source said Friday.

88.   Iraq wants the UN Security Council to lift sanctions imposed after the Gulf War, but the UN first wants Iraq to formally recognize the Kuwaiti border.

89.   Israeli military officials said Iraq was trying to pressure the United Nations into easing its sanctions by moving troops toward the Kuwaiti border.

90.   Kuwaiti border police have foiled two infiltration attempts arresting four Iraqi intelligence service men, the Arab Times said Wednesday quoting reliable sources.

a. + border >>共 566
russian 3.66%
israeli 3.38%
disputed 3.37%
northern 2.77%
common 2.68%
pakistani 2.15%
albanian 2.14%
thai 2.04%
canadian 1.97%
mexican 1.96%
kuwaiti 0.89%
kuwaiti + n. >>共 272
border 8.37%
official 6.01%
government 5.86%
newspaper 4.11%
prisoner 3.80%
authority 2.81%
man 2.51%
desert 2.05%
woman 1.83%
leader 1.60%
每页显示:    共 109