81.   The prime concern of the United States is that another test by North Korea could set off a chain of potentially destabilizing actions around the Korean peninsula.

82.   The result is that while Pyongyang continues to pose a conventional military threat on the Korean peninsula, its nuclear-weapons program has been frozen.

83.   The reunions are intended as the first step down the long road toward reunification of the Korean peninsula.

84.   The report provoked nervous, but inadvertently or not it carried a pithy message about the changes slowly working on the divided Korean peninsula.

85.   The Soviet Union had acquired Siberia and Manchuria and was expanding toward China and the Korean peninsula.

86.   The supply of forced labor from the Korean peninsula, a Japanese colony at the time, was drying up.

87.   The two signed a declaration calling for the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

88.   The U.S. has asked for an exemption for the use of land mines on the Korean peninsula.

89.   There was also discussion of ways to defuse the tensions on the Korean peninsula, Lord said.

90.   This, analysts fear, would bring new tension to the volatile Korean peninsula.

a. + peninsula >>共 136
korean 50.46%
divided 10.29%
northern 8.45%
crimean 2.09%
disputed 1.76%
italian 1.67%
olympic 1.59%
entire 1.51%
southern 1.34%
malaysian 0.92%
korean + n. >>共 820
peninsula 15.18%
company 5.09%
government 2.72%
bank 2.54%
peace 1.44%
official 1.31%
conflict 1.26%
economy 1.21%
woman 1.03%
law 0.98%
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