81.   How many traditional business leaders can boast of being able to keep things in such graceful perspective in the face of massive misfortune?

82.   Holtz has done his best to keep things in perspective, as much for the fans as for himself.

83.   His tenants generally despise him, while he works for them to keep things working.

84.   I admire the mother, who keeps things going in the house.

85.   I tend to keep things inside.

86.   I really thought I kept things in check and really hit some good shots through the entire back nine.

87.   I think it would be a real bonus if we could keep things in place here.

88.   I wanted to keep some things in reserve, to make partners of the spectators, so that they feel as vulnerable as Rosie, and as guilty.

89.   I suppose I could keep things blooming with chemical fertilizers.

90.   I try to keep things spinning.

v. + thing >>共 753
do 21.74%
have 5.71%
say 4.61%
see 3.66%
change 1.80%
take 1.72%
know 1.58%
get 1.52%
keep 1.35%
learn 1.26%
keep + n. >>共 1280
eye 3.35%
job 1.84%
inflation 1.55%
promise 1.50%
record 1.49%
peace 1.48%
people 1.41%
watch 1.18%
control 1.14%
distance 1.13%
thing 0.64%
每页显示:    共 226