81.   He has no patience with moralizers who condemn popular culture as an instigator of juvenile crime.

82.   He is sponsoring ambitious proposals for the November ballot to restructure education and fight juvenile crime.

83.   He cited the case of Michael Fay, the American who was caned in Singapore for vandalism, as an example of how to deal with juvenile crime.

84.   He proposed initiatives ranging from a tough juvenile crime bill to more community investments to cleaning up environmentally hazardous areas.

85.   He has also promised to push HMO reform, give families with college students an income-tax break, and get tough on juvenile crime.

86.   He has highlighted juvenile crime in recent months, calling for school uniform dress codes, curfew laws, truancy laws and other local initiatives to combat teen crime.

87.   He said Richards, a Democrat, has not adequately addressed the growing problem of juvenile crime.

88.   He said the expansion of after-school programs also could help reduce juvenile crime.

89.   He was a frustrated parolee, whose legs seemed made to outrun police and who was no stranger to the world of juvenile crime.

90.   House Republicans have already acted under cover of the Lewinsky turmoil to try to sneak a harsh new measure on juvenile crime onto the statute books.

a. + crime >>共 993
violent 14.30%
serious 5.74%
juvenile 3.08%
alleged 2.89%
rising 2.83%
organised 2.58%
street 2.35%
federal 2.31%
political 2.02%
high 1.94%
juvenile + n. >>共 295
crime 17.31%
justice 10.84%
detention 10.84%
offender 8.74%
record 2.57%
facility 2.40%
prison 2.16%
criminal 1.62%
case 1.56%
center 1.44%
每页显示:    共 287