81.   If a jury had convicted him of the kidnapping charges, Frank could have faced execution.

82.   If the jury convicted him of the lesser charge of murder, Berry could get five years to life in prison.

83.   If, as an alleged rapist describes the scene of consensual sex, he admits to sodomy, that allows the jury to convict him of a lesser charge.

84.   In February, a jury convicted Zamora of capital murder.

85.   In his speech at Harvard, however, Jackson said the jury should have convicted Barry on more counts.

86.   In July, a Poughkeepsie jury convicted Dalkeith McIntosh of murdering his estranged wife and her daughter but sentenced him to life in prison instead of execution.

87.   In June, a jury convicted McVeigh of murder and criminal conspiracy and recommended that he receive the death sentence.

88.   In July a jury convicted them on charges of racketeering and money-laundering conspiracy.

89.   In June, a jury convicted him of first-degree murder and sentenced him to death, rejecting the alternative of life in prison without the possibility of parole.

90.   In my opinion, a jury will convict him.

n. + convict >>共 157
court 28.15%
jury 26.63%
man 5.89%
people 3.25%
juror 2.85%
judge 2.74%
tribunal 2.44%
panel 1.02%
defendant 1.02%
evidence 0.81%
jury + v. >>共 329
be 11.77%
find 11.27%
convict 5.95%
decide 4.93%
acquit 4.52%
hear 4.30%
deliberate 3.43%
return 2.52%
have 2.36%
begin 2.14%
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