81.   United Technologies complained through an internal Navy judicial process that it had been deprived of an opportunity to compete for the contract.

82.   We need the judicial process, not the political one, to sort out the truth behind the murders of two young women.

83.   When such participation is linked to the receipt of large sums of cash, the very integrity of the judicial process is at risk.

84.   White House lawyers were said to be concerned about joining an effort to short-circuit the normal judicial process.

85.   Palestinian human rights activists have accused the Palestinian Authority of various human rights abuses, including interfering with the judicial process.

86.   President Nelson Mandela said Wednesday he would not interfere with the judicial process to stop murder charges against a former apartheid defense minister and top white generals.

87.   A committal hearing is a routine step in the British judicial process, confirming that the accused has a case to answer.

88.   A final decision on extraditing Ebke can only be made by Justice Minister Anne McLellan after the judicial process has been completed.

89.   A retired senior judge accused the newspaper of contempt of the judicial process, and the attorney general is studying whether the newspaper should be cited.

90.   A statement by the U.S. Embassy backed Arroyo and called on the pro-Estrada ralliers to let the judicial process take its course.

a. + process >>共 909
political 4.51%
whole 2.48%
electoral 2.23%
democratic 2.19%
decision-making 2.07%
bidding 1.96%
manufacturing 1.92%
legal 1.88%
entire 1.78%
healing 1.55%
judicial 1.25%
judicial + n. >>共 580
system 12.12%
source 8.46%
official 7.08%
authority 5.34%
review 4.55%
inquiry 3.53%
process 2.97%
investigation 2.31%
nominee 2.19%
police 2.03%
每页显示:    共 159