81.   Gang members who violate injunctions could face criminal contempt proceedings, although Bishop said she preferred creative punishments such as community service over jail time.

82.   Good Samaritan citizen faces jail time.

83.   Given the second meaning, there are precious few in the entertainment industry who should not be facing some serious jail time.

84.   Haskel told Hart the state may seek criminal contempt-of-court sanctions with possible jail time against Republic of Texas officials if they do not cooperate.

85.   He faces possible jail time if convicted.

86.   He faces trial in March, and even if convicted he could go free because he will likely have served that much jail time by then.

87.   Had he been convicted in juvenile court, he would have faced little or no jail time.

88.   He had avoided jail time on his last cocaine possession conviction because a sympathetic judge felt his rehab and cancer treatments would be better conducted outside confinement.

89.   He has aroused passions from the pulpit, and built a career marked by demonstrations and jail time for taking part in demonstrations.

90.   He has drifted a lot, done a little jail time, yet is not just a fool.

n. + time >>共 683
season 10.97%
year 8.36%
injury 3.37%
jail 3.13%
air 3.11%
week 2.64%
prison 1.85%
tee 1.59%
vacation 1.51%
ice 1.50%
jail + n. >>共 275
term 24.43%
sentence 21.76%
time 13.89%
cell 8.09%
official 3.66%
guard 2.17%
inmate 1.21%
condition 1.21%
break 1.05%
jumpsuit 0.81%
每页显示:    共 445