81.   The issue will be resolved in a manner that is fair to both sides.

82.   The issues are complex and multi-faceted.

83.   The issues here are complex and evolving.

84.   The issues will not be resolved during the life of the present parliament.

85.   The key issue is straight forward and it arises from a simple fact.

86.   The key issue is the amount of money the host nations are prepared to pay competing countries.

87.   The May issue was ready to go to press when the magazine closed down.

88.   The more divisive issue was the old question of an election under united Coalition leadership.

89.   The most contentious planning issue was perhaps the question of retailing.

90.   The most important issue was the injustice and violence of the actual verdict.

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issue + v. >>共 490
be 48.45%
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come 2.67%
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become 1.95%
include 1.66%
go 1.42%
arise 1.22%
fall 1.02%
rise 0.82%
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