81.   Authorities are looking into whether the priests made agreements with local businessmen to inflate the prices of crosses, garments and other religious objects.

82.   Authorities have discovered numerous false prescriptions for the treatment as well as hugely inflated prices for the treatment at some pharmacies.

83.   Council deputy chairman Simon Hau Suk-kei said the cost of a licence would only inflate the price of a tour of this kind.

84.   Cuban President Fidel Castro on Thursday painted a gloomy picture of a developing world condemned to high death rates because major drug companies inflate prices for medicines.

85.   Democrats worried that drug companies would discourage importers, restrict supplies, inflate prices and make the entire program nonfunctional.

86.   Earlier this week, the company issued a statement saying it had not inflated the price of helicopters sold to the Israeli navy nor bribed an Israeli officer.

87.   Export earnings shrank as demand for consumer electronics and technology slowed worldwide, while a rising dollar inflated the price of imports.

88.   Federal officials have repeatedly accused them of misusing federal funds and trying to cheat the federal government by charging it hugely inflated prices for energy.

89.   FERC rejected a request by New York officials to allow power producers to seek damages retroactively against power producers believed to be inflating prices unfairly.

90.   He was talking on a mobile phone to an angry reader about an article criticizing the electricity company for allegedly inflating prices.

v. + price >>共 557
raise 9.99%
pay 7.30%
cut 3.75%
push 3.50%
lower 3.31%
boost 3.16%
send 2.02%
increase 1.98%
reduce 1.86%
set 1.83%
inflate 0.64%
inflate + n. >>共 201
price 14.46%
figure 7.17%
cost 5.73%
balloon 5.62%
value 5.26%
number 4.54%
earnings 3.46%
profit 3.35%
revenue 2.15%
amount 1.31%
每页显示:    共 120