81.   Infant mortality rates in Japan and Sweden are just half the rates in the United States.

82.   Infant mortality rates were substantially lower for Japanese and Chinese than for whites or any other group.

83.   Infant mortality among Hispanics also is lower than among other minority groups.

84.   Infant mortality and deaths from childhood diseases have almost disappeared off the chart.

85.   Infant mortality has plummeted.

86.   Infant mortality is almost twice the regional average, while malnutrition affects about half of all children.

87.   Infant mortality is declining, childhood immunization is rising, child-support collections are up and the teen birth rate is down.

88.   Infant mortality rates are comparable to that of sub-Saharan Africa.

89.   It cuts down on low birth weights, anemia and infant mortality.

90.   Indicators that remained about the same were teen-age suicide, out-of-pocket health costs for the elderly, access to affordable housing, infant mortality and child abuse.

a. + mortality >>共 112
infant 38.04%
high 9.82%
maternal 7.82%
highest 4.29%
higher 3.99%
lower 2.15%
increased 1.99%
overall 1.53%
excess 1.53%
lowest 1.23%
infant + n. >>共 213
mortality 21.51%
son 14.31%
daughter 10.41%
formula 5.98%
death 3.82%
child 2.34%
industry 2.17%
seat 2.17%
girl 1.73%
care 1.56%
每页显示:    共 247