81.   His playing time increased for a few weeks in January and February when Horry was hurt and Elden Campbell slumping.

82.   However, orders increased for medical devices and electronic components during April.

83.   If the government does not have enough money to run its programs, one wonders whether it should either rein in its ambitions or increase taxes for everybody.

84.   If a motorist turns sharply any vehicle while traveling very fast, the vehicle may roll, but the risk is increased for taller vehicles.

85.   Imports increased for the fifth consecutive month.

86.   In addition to aircraft, orders increased for autos, electronics, industrial equipment and defense hardware.

87.   In addition, they say welfare checks should not be increased for women who have additional children while on welfare.

88.   In a separate report today, the Federal Reserve said industrial production continued to climb in December as demand increased for business equipment and consumer goods.

89.   In January, the five-member In dustrial Commission wrote to the Legislature, asking for benefits to be increased for the first time in six years.

90.   In fact, the Legislature suggested the salary increase for Scott, along with raises it recommended for many other agency heads.

v. + for >>共 935
work 5.21%
use 3.49%
know 3.31%
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increase + p. >>共 74
in 36.20%
with 6.06%
for 5.94%
at 5.79%
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over 4.32%
on 4.17%
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by 3.55%
during 3.26%
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