81.   The company cited the improved performance to strong sales of products using its Directory technology, which helps find multiple users across a network.

82.   The Clinton administration sought to focus not only on the improved economic performance of the summit nations but also on a Clinton-backed proposal to help Ukraine.

83.   The declines came despite improved performance Monday in Brazil and South Korea, two markets that were under pressure last week.

84.   The company attributed the improved performance to strong sales of products using its Directory technology, which helps locate multiple users across a network.

85.   The improved performance reflects record production of light crude oil from its Fort McMurray, Alberta oil sands project.

86.   The improved financial performance comes at a good time because Kansas City Southern Industries said last month it plans to split the company into two pieces.

87.   The improved performance comes as Tele-Communications pushes its expansion into delivering other services besides television.

88.   The higher profits came from higher prices in both retail and commercial product lines, improved manufacturing performance and increased retail shipments and market shares, the company said.

89.   The improved economic performance and lessened reliance on the foreign debt markets could help Hungary win an investment-grade rating from the two leading rating companies.

90.   The improved economic performance is reflected in the recent slimming of interest rate spreads between Canadian and U.S. securities, Thiessen said.

a. + performance >>共 953
poor 5.30%
strong 4.68%
good 2.42%
best 2.41%
economic 1.98%
live 1.67%
financial 1.60%
impressive 1.36%
better 1.36%
recent 1.30%
improved 1.29%
improved + n. >>共 892
relation 5.05%
performance 3.89%
condition 3.28%
tie 2.15%
result 2.13%
earnings 1.99%
security 1.52%
version 1.47%
economy 1.45%
technology 1.38%
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