81.   The government is providing electricity and fresh-water taps, but it has been slower to build houses and improve health.

82.   The group recommended that the government do more to promote healthy habits and to improve health.

83.   The Healthy People goals were set by the Department of Health and Human Services to improve health through prevention.

84.   The Kennedy-Hatch tax would improve health by covering children while also discouraging smoking.

85.   The notion that you can improve the health of a plant by talking to it is not only foolish but potentially dangerous.

86.   The proper goal of medicine, in his view, is to improve health, not to conquer death, which he sees as a necessary and desirable end.

87.   The researchers said the study should not discourage people from running, which can improve cardiovascular health.

88.   The Texas Department of Health still gets letters from people adamantly opposed to the single most effective public health measure available to prevent tooth decay and improve oral health.

89.   The varying agendas of those groups converged Tuesday at Way to Go, an annual fair promoting alternative transportation that would lower pollution and improve health.

90.   The WHO report ought to be a reminder that this overreliance on high technology to the detriment of universal coverage is not the best approach to improving health.

v. + health >>共 301
improve 9.82%
affect 4.82%
protect 4.82%
threaten 3.46%
damage 3.34%
regain 3.09%
promote 2.90%
maintain 2.84%
endanger 2.59%
have 2.35%
improve + n. >>共 696
relation 6.26%
condition 3.79%
quality 3.53%
tie 3.35%
performance 3.28%
service 2.71%
security 2.59%
efficiency 2.55%
life 2.10%
safety 2.08%
health 1.00%
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