81.   Immediate action is needed.

82.   Immediate actions recommended in the report include moat and barrier changes to improve safety.

83.   In any case, Berman said he did not offer the legislation for immediate action.

84.   In May, Colorado officials threatened to shut the center unless immediate action was taken.

85.   In other words, EPD is not requiring immediate action at the heaviest polluters in the area, led by Plant Bowen in Cartersville.

86.   In the wake of the attacks on New York and Washington last month, some members of Congress called for immediate action on the economy.

87.   Israel should take immediate action to ease closures and allow peaceful people to go back to work.

88.   It took no immediate action at its August and September policy sessions.

89.   It would be perhaps too dramatic yet to talk of global recession, but the evidence of the risks calls for immediate action.

90.   It was the second threat to American aviation in two months that government officials viewed as credible enough to warrant immediate action.

a. + action >>共 551
military 13.59%
legal 11.10%
disciplinary 4.60%
further 2.89%
immediate 1.63%
possible 1.51%
similar 1.51%
quick 1.15%
congressional 1.13%
unilateral 1.02%
immediate + n. >>共 595
comment 12.38%
report 6.60%
word 4.50%
reaction 4.07%
plan 3.17%
response 3.13%
confirmation 2.33%
future 1.97%
claim 1.63%
effect 1.62%
action 1.47%
每页显示:    共 337