81.   Najabullah said the besieged men had hurled grenades.

82.   Najabullah said the besieged men, some of whom were believed to be Arabs, had hurled grenades.

83.   Officials said several hundred rebels fired guns and hurled grenades at the Kattumuruvikulam camp for more than six hours.

84.   Only last month, a grenade was hurled at a hotel in Narathiwat.

85.   Once outside, the prisoners hurled the grenade at the guards and fled.

86.   On Monday night, a grenade was hurled into the yard of the opposition headquarters.

87.   Overnight, Palestinians fired two mortar shells toward Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip and hurled grenades at two army posts.

88.   Palestinian teen-agers frequently throw stones at the soldiers, and in recent months, Islamic militants have hurled hand grenades at Israelis and killed an elderly rabbi.

89.   On Tuesday, unidentified assailants hurled a grenade at patrolling Indian soldiers north of Srinagar.

90.   Police hurling tear-gas grenades and swinging batons broke up a demonstration Tuesday by high school students demanding freedom for fellow students arrested in an earlier protest.

v. + grenade >>共 127
throw 32.43%
hurl 11.48%
fire 10.29%
lob 6.15%
toss 5.08%
find 3.32%
use 2.95%
propel 1.82%
detonate 1.69%
have 1.63%
hurl + n. >>共 314
stone 21.45%
grenade 9.74%
rock 8.99%
bomb 5.91%
firebomb 4.90%
insult 4.15%
abuse 2.29%
bottle 1.86%
cocktail 1.60%
egg 1.17%
每页显示:    共 182