81.   Augusta hospitals are overwhelmed.

82.   Bay State hospitals were among the first to get the message, and to act on it.

83.   Births and deaths on the island, when its hospitals were functioning, were recorded in New York, although the hospitals were on the landfill part.

84.   A hospital would be out of place with show business, they said.

85.   A local hospital was without heat, and had to deal with the sick almost entirely on an out-patient basis.

86.   A modern new hospital is under construction.

87.   --A provision that a patient can be treated in any hospital emergency room in a medical crisis, even if the hospital is not part of the plan.

88.   A response, filed by assistant U.S. Attorney Roger Dokken, argued that there are several hospitals that can treat people within short driving distance.

89.   A spokesman for the National Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems could not confirm whether any county hospitals are transplant centers but said that would be extremely rare.

n. + be >>共 1635
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official 0.55%
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hospital 0.04%
hospital + v. >>共 639
be 13.94%
say 7.83%
have 7.04%
report 2.07%
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