81.   Other Arabs refused to follow his lead earlier, and they were unlikely to heed his call Monday.

82.   Palestinian leaders asked their people to protest without violence, but the call was not heeded everywhere.

83.   Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai, who formally approved the honor, has not heeded calls that he apologize.

84.   --America will not heed calls from some in Asia to withdraw its troops from the region.

85.   And many shoppers, including Michelle Smith of San Francisco, were heeding calls by government officials who say spending money will help the troubled economy.

86.   At midday, it had no numbers but said thousands had heeded the call and claimed there were no strikebreakers.

87.   Australian athletes will face jail terms for testing positive to sports drugs such as steroids if the federal government heeds a call by Australian Olympic Committee chief John Coates.

88.   Authorities did not know how many people had heeded the call to evacuate before Tuesday.

89.   But Belgraders heeded a call to drown out the state-run TV evening news which gives a distorted picture of the opposition protests and demands.

90.   But Belgraders heeded a call to drown out the state-run TV evening news, which gives a distorted picture of the opposition protests and demands.

v. + call >>共 429
return 18.14%
make 10.49%
get 6.41%
receive 6.16%
reject 3.91%
renew 2.76%
take 2.74%
answer 2.61%
repeat 2.03%
heed 1.73%
heed + n. >>共 172
call 22.84%
warning 16.78%
advice 13.36%
message 3.32%
plea 2.65%
order 2.65%
demand 2.27%
word 2.18%
concern 2.09%
request 2.09%
每页显示:    共 240