81.   Richard runs Porters, a very English restaurant named for the Porters who once carried the heavy loads of fruit and vegetables at Covent Garden.

82.   Schell said aluminum awnings can be weakened, though, by extremely heavy loads of ice and snow.

83.   Running the river high in the spring to mimic, although hardly mirror, the natural flooding means towboats must burn more fuel pushing heavy loads upstream.

84.   That heavy load falls on the mending shoulder of lefty Justin Thompson.

85.   That is a heavy load to place at the feet of a Richmond girl who barely made it through finishing school.

86.   The analysis comes as airlines carry heavy loads of paying passengers, making it tougher to redeem mileage.

87.   The Aggies may be a secret, but they are still a heavy load and a long afternoon.

88.   The heavy load, however, may be taking a toll.

89.   The Las Vegas casino order, for example, required a tractor that could move with a heavy load at a low speed up an incline.

90.   The most serious of the citations was an overweight violation, since Lintz did not have the proper permit required to carry such a heavy load.

a. + load >>共 283
heavy 16.32%
full 6.10%
viral 4.34%
teaching 2.69%
heavier 2.17%
first 2.07%
scoring 2.07%
offensive 1.76%
large 1.76%
huge 1.65%
heavy + n. >>共 756
rain 16.39%
weapon 3.93%
snow 3.22%
artillery 2.96%
loss 2.05%
pressure 1.70%
equipment 1.67%
security 1.60%
casualty 1.45%
fire 1.41%
load 0.60%
每页显示:    共 157