81.   -- Virtually all health plans cover pre-existing conditions for people who remain with the same company and merely change plans during the annual sign-up period.

82.   -- Require health plans to pay for emergency coverage of problems that the average person would consider potentially severe.

83.   - Some health plans are making alternative care more accessible to their members.

84.   -- Your right to file grievances with your health plan and the Department of Managed Health Care.

85.   -- The department rarely takes enforcement or disciplinary actions against health plans, and never has used its authority to levy fines for quality of care violations.

86.   A contributing factor, Marsh said, is that health plans and employers are demanding more and more of the rebate money that drug plan managers receive from manufacturers.

87.   A doctor-created health plan would assume the financial risk of treating patients, which stops doctors from overcharging and thereby driving customers into rival plans.

88.   A few cost-cutting programs, however, have gotten some health plans in trouble.

89.   A coalition of labor, consumer, civic and health advocacy groups Thursday denounced the health plan put forward by Sen. Bob Dole, the Republican leader.

90.   A health plan asks a new mother to leave the hospital one day after her baby is born, instead of the usual two or three.

n. + plan >>共 691
peace 10.16%
health 5.86%
business 2.76%
government 2.38%
pension 2.21%
retirement 2.19%
expansion 2.13%
budget 1.91%
action 1.82%
tax 1.71%
health + n. >>共 369
official 11.61%
problem 9.34%
plan 6.38%
service 3.25%
authority 2.99%
benefit 2.89%
risk 2.84%
worker 2.42%
department 2.25%
expert 2.13%
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