81.   Heads have rolled in the internal security service Shin Beth over the gaping holes in the protection of Rabin.

82.   Heads rolled in the boardroom of Australian retailing giant Coles Myer Ltd. Thursday as the group bowed to mounting pressure for change at the top.

83.   ING, meanwhile, refused to be drawn on whether heads of top Barings directors would roll over the debacle.

84.   An investigation had been opened, Yeltsin said, indicating that government heads might roll over the crisis in the southern Russian city of Budenovsk.

85.   An investigation had been opened, Yeltsin said, indicating that government heads might roll over the crisis.

86.   Defeat is bound to lead for calls for the coach Roger Lemerre to be replaced and he hinted on Monday that heads might roll if the French crash out.

87.   Then heads rolled.

88.   When he opened one of the bags a head rolled out, he said.

89.   Yeltsin said an investigation had been opened into how the tragedy happened and indicated that government heads might roll over the crisis, Interfax news agency reported.

90.   Yeltsin clearly hinted that heads might roll during a meeting of his inner circle, the security council, later Thursday.

n. + roll >>共 954
ball 6.49%
tank 3.43%
camera 3.26%
head 3.13%
car 2.56%
vehicle 2.00%
company 1.93%
time 1.86%
eye 1.80%
tear 1.80%
head + v. >>共 527
be 18.34%
coach 5.95%
roll 3.14%
turn 3.04%
say 2.31%
have 2.17%
spin 1.94%
hit 1.90%
prevail 1.87%
back 1.84%
每页显示:    共 93