81.   Two helicopter gunships fired several rockets at the village center.

82.   Two helicopter gunships fired at least three missiles in the Iqlim Al-Tuffah highlands just north of an Israeli-held border enclave.

83.   Two Israeli helicopter gunships fired missiles Tuesday at a car in the northern Gaza Strip, killing a Palestinian security agent and injuring four others, Palestinian police said.

84.   U.S.-built Apache helicopter gunships fired air-to-surface missiles, Lebanese security sources said.

85.   Warning the Abu Sayyaf guerrillas that the only way out is surrender or death, helicopter gunships fired at the hospital throughout the day.

86.   Witnesses said Israeli helicopter gunships fired at the camp as the tanks moved in.

87.   However, Dagestani government officials quoted by Interfax said Russian helicopter gunships had fired warning shots at the convoy, prompting the rebels to stiffen their demands.

88.   Israel retaliated with a heavy artillery barrage and helicopter gunships fired heavy machine guns at Hezbollah strongholds in the Bekaa Valley, which is under Syrian control.

89.   Israeli helicopter gunships fired missiles at targets in Gaza City and in the south, wounding six people, while troops snatched six other people wanted for questioning.

90.   Israeli helicopter gunships on Saturday fired several rockets at Palestinian targets in Gaza City, including buildings of the Palestinian security forces, a Palestinian security source said.

n. + fire >>共 698
police 16.66%
soldier 7.79%
troop 6.78%
gunman 5.10%
guerrilla 4.80%
force 3.73%
helicopter 3.14%
rebel 2.65%
officer 2.16%
tank 2.04%
gunship 1.28%
gunship + v. >>共 105
fire 20.25%
strafe 6.57%
attack 6.39%
fly 6.04%
hover 4.09%
blast 3.91%
rocket 3.91%
circle 3.20%
kill 2.13%
open 1.95%
每页显示:    共 113