81.   It would provide grants to states to put illegitimate children up for adoption, build orphanages for them, or place their mothers in supervised group homes.

82.   Jake used to run a group home for autistic children, and changed his specialty after a boy in his care drowned.

83.   Jesse O. Valentine had a history of bowel obstructions, but nobody at his group home for mentally retarded adults called the doctor when he complained of stomach pains.

84.   Last spring, as he was settling into a group home in Richmond Hill, Queens, for rehabilitation, he needed surgery for a broken right hip.

85.   Kortefay, who supervises a group home for troubled youths, said he had little sympathy for the Weston family, despite their apology.

86.   Levy said children in group homes are allowed to leave for school, jobs and medical appointments.

87.   Life inside a group home for the mentally ill.

88.   Many are now in institutions and are waiting to be placed in group homes or other small facilities.

89.   Lois Montague, who dreams of building two more group homes, allows a sigh of relief now.

90.   Michael lives in a group home in Kansas City.

n. + home >>共 1088
vacation 3.91%
flight 3.72%
group 3.59%
retirement 3.30%
summer 3.19%
country 3.06%
trip 1.79%
childhood 1.69%
luxury 1.55%
ride 1.50%
group + n. >>共 1107
member 6.83%
home 4.07%
leader 4.05%
match 3.36%
winner 3.18%
meeting 2.28%
game 2.01%
director 1.70%
plan 1.55%
play 1.46%
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