81.   The Colorado satellite was the first to be built using the grant money.

82.   The grant money can also be used for housing, substance-abuse treatment and job creation programs through wage subsidies.

83.   The grant money will stop after six years.

84.   The group plans to buy multilingual subway advertisements this fall using grant money from the city.

85.   The male doctors earned more, received more grant money for research, and advanced further in academic pursuits.

86.   The NFL YET Academy is the fourth community project to be completed in the country with the help of the grant money.

87.   The organic foods will be phased in with the traditional pizza, burgers and Taco Bell burritos as grant money comes in to pay organic farmers.

88.   The project screened Oklahomans who received grant money from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to identify the neediest families.

89.   The nonprofit groups, under current law, cannot use federal grant money to fund advocacy efforts.

90.   The school has received some grant money, along with individual donations.

n. + money >>共 836
prize 8.21%
drug 6.55%
government 6.27%
taxpayer 4.91%
tax 4.14%
campaign 3.92%
aid 2.16%
grant 1.85%
ransom 1.83%
tobacco 1.60%
grant + n. >>共 124
money 22.59%
program 13.66%
proposal 7.71%
application 7.18%
aid 7.01%
recipient 2.98%
fund 2.10%
request 1.40%
scheme 1.40%
agreement 0.88%
每页显示:    共 128