81.   He said his government was granting credits to rural farmers to stem urban migration.

82.   His government granted most leaders of the old regime amnesties that spared their lives.

83.   Hundreds of Dominicans are wanted in the United States to face drug charges, but the Dominican government granted its first extraditions last year.

84.   If the government of Indonesia could grant qualified teachers a reasonable financial status, their performance in front of students could only rise.

85.   However, the Netanyahu government granted Pollard Israeli citizenship and acknowledged him as an Israeli agent.

86.   If the government grants the loan guarantee, it would also get the option to buy a significant stake in the company.

87.   In a recent interview with some local journalists, he offered to surrender if the governments of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka states grant him immunity from prosecution.

88.   In a separate speech on Monday marking the anniversary, Abacha dissolved his Cabinet and said his government had granted amnesty to an undisclosed number of political prisoners.

89.   In August, the government granted asylum to senior Iraqi defectors and launched contacts with dissident groups in exile in an effort to topple Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

90.   In February, after taking bids, the government granted licenses for a cellular phone system to the telecommunications consortia Polkomtel S.A. and Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa.

n. + grant >>共 405
government 11.11%
judge 10.35%
court 9.31%
law 2.78%
authority 2.51%
commission 2.51%
state 2.34%
official 1.80%
committee 1.58%
country 1.53%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
grant 0.20%
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