81.   And the company has turned to the government for help, asking for regulatory intervention to provide access to cable,

82.   And instead of turning to the federal government for financing, they have increasingly looked instead to local governments, foundations and private individuals.

83.   And Republicans threatened to let the president do so, thus shutting down much or all of the government for days or even weeks.

84.   And some chastised the United Nations and Western governments for promising assistance that never arrived.

85.   And they can thank the government for that.

86.   And the local meatpacking industry is searching for a way to sue the Canadian government for damages over lost exports.

87.   And the most ardent of the temple lobby raged at the government for selling out its brethren.

88.   And the New National Party, the descendant of the party of apartheid, has harshly criticized the ANC government for having abolished the death penalty.

89.   Anger at the government for not reacting swiftly enough to rescue and help survivors.

90.   And they raged against the federal government for its siege in Waco.

n. + for >>共 1471
spokesman 1.89%
support 1.76%
time 1.36%
plan 1.28%
money 0.91%
call 0.90%
way 0.79%
price 0.67%
candidate 0.66%
lawyer 0.65%
government 0.37%
government + p. >>共 85
of 32.66%
in 19.26%
for 11.38%
on 7.86%
with 3.23%
to 3.06%
as 2.64%
from 2.45%
over 2.03%
by 1.80%
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