81.   Sharif said his government would extend full moral and material support to the four provinces in crushing the sectarian terrorism.

82.   So the government has extended the period by three months, hoping a better response will bode well in the general election due later this year.

83.   The government recently extended the ban on the three group by a further six months.

84.   The Japanese government will extend about one million dollars in emergency disaster aid to China as floods ravage the south of the country, foreign ministry officials said Friday.

85.   The German government Wednesday extended indefinitely its total ban on imports of beef and beef products from Britain and Switzerland.

86.   The government also extended a waiver which allows security services to use greater force to extract confessions, state radio said.

87.   The government on Monday extended the waiver to step up the fight against Islamic militants.

88.   The Indonesian government will not extend any logging contracts until a survey is conducted of all forest concessions, Forestry Minister Muhammad Prakosa said Monday.

89.   The Rangoon government has again extended the time allowed for overseas Burmese to re-apply for Burmese citizenship or renew their passports, state-run newspapers said Saturday.

n. + extend >>共 1318
government 2.60%
stock 2.40%
company 1.90%
problem 1.29%
court 1.08%
bank 0.94%
dollar 0.91%
bill 0.85%
authority 0.82%
influence 0.73%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
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extend 0.09%
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