81.   But as food prices began rising, the government was quick to release funds from its foreign exchange reserves to import grain and give special incentives to private importers.

82.   Corporations will be given incentives to subcontract production to rural areas.

83.   Details of the talks were not released, but news reports said they focused on whether to give more incentives to North Korea, including more food aid.

84.   Farmers were given long-term land leases at little or no rent, allowing them to share in profits and giving them incentive to produce more.

85.   He said his package would give schools incentives to improve, hold schools and teachers more accountable and give parents better information about the education their children are getting.

86.   However, it also gives generous incentives, including tax breaks, to Israelis to lure them to the disputed lands claimed by the Palestinians for a future state.

87.   In the past, some governments have given financial incentives to encourage people to buy cars.

88.   IPP is the annual list made by government to give investment incentives to qualified industries.

89.   Incentives should be given to the local petrochemical industry but it should not be at the expense of consumers, they said.

90.   It also transformed most of its sugar farms into cooperatives instead of state farms, giving workers incentives for greater output.

v. + incentive >>共 259
have 22.96%
offer 14.24%
provide 13.25%
create 5.04%
give 4.92%
use 2.57%
include 2.22%
reduce 2.18%
remove 1.62%
increase 1.37%
give + n. >>共 870
detail 9.82%
way 3.40%
name 2.50%
reason 2.44%
indication 1.91%
money 1.61%
information 1.42%
rise 1.36%
credit 1.35%
approval 1.34%
incentive 0.17%
每页显示:    共 114