81.   The Zairian Prime Minister Kengo wa Dondo recently said his country would arrest genocide suspects if supplied a list of names.

82.   Thirty genocide suspects and two others appealing their convictions are being held by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda in the northern Tanzanian town of Arusha.

83.   This is a marked contrast to trials of genocide suspects at a U.N. tribunal in the northern Tanzania town of Arusha.

84.   Thirty genocide suspects and two convicts, who are appealing, are detained by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda in the northern Tanzania town of Arusha.

85.   Thirty-four Rwanda genocide suspects remain in custody.

86.   Thousands of genocide suspects are languishing in Rwandan jails awaiting trial.

87.   Twenty-one Rwandan genocide suspects have been indicted, but only seven are in custody in Arusha.

88.   Trials of Rwandam genocide suspects are going on both in Rwandan courts and before a U.N. tribunal in Arusha, Tanzania.

89.   Trials of three more genocide suspects are underway.

90.   Tribunal Judge Lennart Aspegren also ordered the continued detention of four genocide suspects being held in Yaounde, Cameroon, pending indictment by the tribunal.

n. + suspect >>共 270
terror 11.13%
murder 9.43%
genocide 7.59%
terrorism 6.74%
police 5.18%
drug 4.26%
robbery 3.62%
crime 2.91%
war-crimes 2.62%
official 2.20%
genocide + n. >>共 51
charge 26.83%
suspect 20.08%
trial 14.26%
survivor 6.38%
tribunal 4.50%
case 3.00%
law 2.44%
conviction 2.06%
court 1.88%
victim 1.69%
每页显示:    共 106