81.   These games mean nothing.

82.   These games mean everything.

83.   These games have meant a lot.

84.   They know what this division game means.

85.   This game means a lot to me.

86.   This game means more to quarterback Steve Young than perhaps any player on the team.

87.   This game meant so much to us.

88.   This game still means this much to him.

89.   This game means a lot more to me than people think.

90.   This game means everything to Green Bay and expect the Packers to approach it that way.

n. + mean >>共 1384
decision 1.81%
change 1.50%
result 1.44%
ruling 1.30%
move 1.19%
word 1.08%
victory 0.98%
game 0.96%
name 0.85%
number 0.84%
game + v. >>共 454
be 40.75%
go 4.27%
have 3.71%
begin 2.82%
end 2.62%
start 1.76%
come 1.72%
become 1.69%
get 1.22%
take 1.13%
mean 0.83%
每页显示:    共 118