81.   Security issues regarding the Hebron pullout were further along than civil issues, such as giving building permits to Jewish settlers, Ross said.

82.   The dispute deeply divided the EU and many member states now seem unwilling to go further along that path.

83.   They say their case is further along and combining the two would cause delays.

84.   While she was opening a new extension of the National Library of Wales, students further along her route shouted, waved banners and struggled with police.

85.   Hong Kong is also much further along the reunifaction road.

a. + along >>共 298
further 10.98%
located 6.07%
common 3.75%
farther 3.49%
possible 2.58%
well 2.58%
furthest 2.33%
likely 1.55%
far 1.55%
visible 1.42%
further + p. >>共 48
in 18.46%
from 12.00%
to 9.00%
along 7.97%
behind 7.69%
down 6.65%
by 6.28%
into 6.19%
on 3.28%
with 2.81%
每页显示:    共 85