81.   However, the West has pressed all sides to free prisoners first, and then deal with the issue of the missing.

82.   However, the EU stopped short of threatening any sort of retaliation if the Burmese authorities failed to free the prisoners.

83.   His visit has drawn appeals from dissidents and an international press freedom group urging him to persuade Chinese leaders to free political prisoners.

84.   However, he has called on the Palestinian leader to free Hamas prisoners and re-open closed-down Hamas schools and clinics, an appeal he repeated Saturday.

85.   In a separate meeting with the president yesterday, veteran politician Frans Seda also urged Habibie to free more prisoners soon.

86.   In a statement, Israel said negotiators are to agree on which prisoners should be freed, according to guidelines set down by Israel.

87.   In efforts to meet the rebel demands, Fox has freed federal prisoners and urged governors to pardon state prisoners.

88.   In Kunduz, the alliance freed all prisoners from Taliban jails Monday, then went house-to-house looking for hiding Taliban fighters to replenish them.

89.   In its Wednesday editions, USA Today quoted Alarcon as saying that Cuba would free some prisoners in a goodwill gesture to John Paul.

90.   Indian negotiators lost contact with the kidnappers months ago, and a captured militant said they had killed the captives because the Indian government refused to free rebel prisoners.

v. + prisoner >>共 468
release 15.09%
hold 6.28%
free 6.23%
take 5.98%
kill 3.07%
beat 2.52%
visit 2.16%
treat 2.10%
execute 1.88%
exchange 1.80%
free + n. >>共 735
hostage 14.30%
prisoner 6.41%
man 2.91%
captive 2.31%
woman 1.62%
journalist 1.42%
people 1.25%
hundred 1.25%
suspect 1.25%
slave 1.25%
每页显示:    共 224